Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just One of Those Days

So yesterday was a day that wasnt too fun and super long. It started off my me waking up at 730 which I did NOT have to.. but my mind wanted to. So I thought great I'll start working on my room. I had the paint and all the gadgets all ready, so I moved everything around so i could get to the walls. I got my first coat up when I started seeing the bubbles... yes air bubbles. I though no big deal they'll just go away right... wrong... so I took my handy dandy screw driver and popped it. All the paint on the wall had come off. So it was straight to our cement walls and about the size of two basketballs yikes. I was pretty ticked cause I had spent the whole last week puttying and sanding trying to make the walls even...(if anyone doesnt know my house is over 100 years old so there where alot of cracks and holes and such) so I took pride on getting everything done before I painted. So this just put a damper on things. There ended up being three of these air bubbles. A couple more started to form but I just decided to leave them alone cause I was done. I finished the painting. Oo I felt better about getting that all done.
Then it was off to go ol work. It started off way good. I had to ref three games which is no biggie cause I'm a pro now. The first two games went off with out a hitch. Well okay I forgot to mention the second games ha. So I was tossing the ball up for the beginning jump ball. After I did that I started back peddling. Well some 60 lb kid ran right behind me and I caught one of his legs, and I started to go down. The poor kid bless his heart tried to grab me to catch me (good luck with that) but I fell on my a again and on my wrist. I felt like a goober, even with the laughter in the crowd ha lame. Anyways so the little 60 pounder kid tried to help me up he was such a sweetheart. I just waved my hand and told him to just go play. Ii got up and my wrist killed and I looked over at the score table and saw my soon to be ex-friends laughing their faces off. Haha just kiddin I like them still. So after the game I went to get a drink and some parents came up to me. This super tall pretty intimidating guy came right up to me and said "Hey ref what was up with that jump ball" and I was thinking of a called jump ball that I did wrong or something and I was like "What are you talking about" hes like at the beginning of the game. And I just felt all the blood rush to my face and I just started laughing way hard. Apparently his wife didnt see what happened so I had to tell her and some other moms... oh man they laughed pretty hard me and I just took it in stride, Im used to it by now.
So the third game was terrible. This one parent was on me like a banana peel on a banana.. ( i just made that up) But he did not like me and my partner. I knew my game was a little off but we called 22 fouls in the second half alone and they wanted more fouls I guess. But I felt like missed a few calls so that put me in a bad mood.. well I wouldnt sad bad just somber I guess.
So after the games I went and sat in my car and texted a few people back that I missed, meanwhile everyone else in the parking lot left. Well I tried starting my car... it wouldnt start FRICK! I left my lights on. Ga! I do that all the time! So I called my life saver Kasie and her husband and they come out and helped me. Then Kord her hubby had a b-ball game, so they left and I saw that my gas was below empty (fyi I work in south Ogden so thats not enough gas to get home ha) So I had to stop for gas and woundnt you know it.. my car died again. GA!!
So I tried calling my cousin and he didnt pick up.. Thanks cuz. And I called my parents again and they insisted on coming to help me.. Great. Dont get me wrong I'm super grateful for them but that 30 minutes in a car sitting at a gas station.. in Ogden.. at 9 30 at night...with my window slightly down... while its snowing... with no heat or music, its not fun. So finally they arrive, thank goodness.
MAN WHAT A DAY. I was so tired I just wanted to go crash... When I remembered my room was a mess with painting that day. So it took me another hour fixing it up so it was somewhat livable. I know 11 30 isnt late but it was late for me. I did however sleep really really well.
Anyways that was my day and just another thanks to Kase and Kord and my parents for comin to my rescue and letting me vent.


brody_joce said...

Ugh What a day! That made me tiered just reading it! Sorry you had such a rough day!!! a

kristen said...

wow. talk about bad luck.
i'm sorry.