Some other things that happened...
-lost luggage
-held at gun point by police and searched...
-held at gun point by police and searched...
-had awesome jerk chicken from a scary restaurant
-dan got pulled over by police for going super fast '(but theres no way to pay it off so basically he gets off scott free)
-watched an amazing sunset every night...
-joined a random wedding that was being held at our hotel on the beach
-ate alot of food
-kar got sick and threw up our last night there
-almost missed one of our flights...
-ran frantically through the airport, while pulling a roller carry one (one of my bucket lists)
-found out it was delayed an hour anyways
-met alot of really great people (including collin powells cousin)
-drove four hours to go to a really scary part of jamaica just to go to church with people that we semi knew..
-listened to fast and testimony meeting amazing
-saw many a goat/people/mongrels on the side of the roads just chillin
-dan drove really really crazy through the crappy pot hole riddin streets
-got to hear dan talk jamacian/haitian/creole alot its super awesome
-never will do it again unless im rich and can hang out at sandals beach resports
-had a once in a life time vacation